Group Tutoring
Group tutoring provides students with the opportunity to be tutored by high quality instructors in a group online classroom environment. During scheduled Group tutoring sessions, the instructor leads the class of students, reviewing coursework material visually on a shared classroom blackboard while discussing the material in a classroom conference call. Group online classes are specifically designed for standardized exam review prepclasses, groups of students studying common mathematics and business coursework, and actuarial exam prep.
Advantages of Group Tutoring Service
- Eliminates the need to travel to learning centers, maximizing convenience for students
- Provides structured curriculums during class sessions
- Easily accessible to students from any location as long as they have access to a computer and internet
- Highly experienced and qualified instructors lead Group tutoring classes
- Provides students with fellow online classroom peers to review coursework with outside of scheduled class
- Dedicated to standardized exam prep, all levels of mathematics and business coursework, and actuarial exam prep